anti-aging facial serum.
A lot of people ask me Why a serum? Why not a cream or lotion? The beauty of a serum is that most of the fluid is eliminated so what you’re left with is a high concentration of ingredients that penetrate your skin faster and more effectively. That makes serums ideal for troubleshooting specific problems such as age spots, sun damage and fine lines.
Kalau ditanya kenapa bentuknya serum bukan cream or lotion? Karena serum itu lebih cepat dan lebih bagus untuk penetrasi kedalam kulit,sehingga mampu menangani masalau kulit seperti penuaan dini,kerusakan karena matahari dan garis-garis halus.
The ingredients in commercial serums include things like retinol, and alpha hydroxy acids, but I prefer the simplicity of pure, therapeutic essential oils.
komposisi pada komersial serum biasanya retinol dan AHA,tetapi disini shoppasoap memilih therapedic essential oil.
sepertin geranium,sandalwood,rosemaey,rosehip oil,lemon,frankincense dan carrot seed oil.
This anti aging serum using geranium,sandalwood,rosemary,rosehip oil,Lemon oil,frankincense oil and carrot seed oil
How to use:
Wash your face and use your toner before applying serum. Add a drop or two to your fingertip and dab gently on fine lines, age spots and uneven skin tone areas.
Note: untuk pemakaian serum ini hanya pada waktu malam hari sebelum tidur.