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Coffee Soap Bar

Rp. 60.000,-

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Manfaat Kopi Untuk Kecantikan

– Mencegah dan Mengurangi Kerutan di Kulit
– Menghaluskan Kulit
– Mencegah Timbulnya Jerawat
– Melembabkan Kulit
– Membantu Menghilangkan Sel Kulit Mati
– Menghilangkan Bau Badan
– Menghilangkan Selulit
– Menetralkan Kulit Yang Teriritasi

Our coffee bar soap is 100% organic arabica made using real coffee from papua.
natural caffeine present in coffee is believed tohave strong anti-inflammatory properties.
Its also believed that the enzymesfound in coffees natural oils can aid in detoxifying and cleansing skin making it a fine choice for those who are prone to acne or other skin conditions such as eczema.

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